Interactive Maps

SVGData visualizationReact

An interactive world map that would display user submitted regrets from around the world

In 2020, I built an interactive map for the author Dan Pink. He was conducting a survey for a book he was writing, that collected peoples regrets. He wanted to show in a fun and visual way the entries he had collected along the way. Using the qualtrics api, and serverless functions I pulled down results, and stored them in a json file. The next step was displaying the results. I built him a World map who’s countries, were colored based on how many regrets had been collected for that location, and could be clicked, and then zoom in on the country and display a few regrets for that location. I used svg for the map so that I could animate the viewbox when the user clicked to get a nice transition from seeing the whole world to the country. The finish version is at


I learned how to use github actions, serverless functions, and got really good at transforming data. I learned how svg viewboxes work and how to measure shapes inside svg to be able to create the zoom animation.