Interactive Maps 2

JS to TSRefactorReact Router

A complete refactor of an earlier project

In 2020, I built an interactive map for the author Dan Pink. You can check out that project here.

Later in 2022, another author, Francesca Gino, wanted something similar for displaying survey entries for her next book. This project was similare but with additional features such as categories, database, and way more data. I used the original map as a base. I converted it to typescript, since I was going to be changing a lot and wanted to quickily know when I broke something. I used wordpress as the backend, so there would be lots of flexibility on how the results would be imported with plugins. I also added react router, so that locations and results could be easily shared.


I learned a lot about good ways to convert a javascript code base to a typescript one. I learned better ways to organize code to optimize for change.